.. _CompliantPhysParams: **************************************** CCPP-Compliant Physics Parameterizations **************************************** The rules for a scheme to be considered CCPP-compliant are summarized in this section. It should be noted that making a scheme CCPP-compliant is a necessary but not guaranteed step for the acceptance of the scheme in the pool of supported CCPP Physics. Acceptance is dependent on scientific innovation, demonstrated value, and compliance with the rules described below. The criteria for acceptance of a scheme into the CCPP is under development. It is recommended that parameterizations be comprised of the smallest units that will be used independently. For example, if a given set of deep and shallow convection schemes will always be called together and in a pre-established order, it is acceptable to group them within a single scheme. However, if one envisions that the deep and shallow convection schemes may someday operate independently, it is recommended to code two separate schemes to allow more flexibility. Some schemes in the CCPP have been implemented using a driver as an entry point. In this context, a driver is defined as a wrapper of code around the actual scheme, providing the CCPP entry points. In order to minimize the layers of code in the CCPP, the implementation of a driver is discouraged, that is, it is preferable that the CCPP be composed of atomic parameterizations. One example is the implementation of the MG microphysics, in which a simple entry point leads to two versions of the scheme, MG2 and MG3. A cleaner implementation would be to retire MG2 in favor of MG3, to turn MG2 and MG3 into separate schemes, or to create a single scheme that can behave as MG2 and MG3 depending on namelist options. The implementation of a driver is reasonable under the following circumstances: * To preserve schemes that are also distributed outside of the CCPP. For example, the Thompson microphysics scheme is distributed both with the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model and with the CCPP. Having a driver with CCPP directives allows the Thompson scheme to remain intact so that it can be synchronized between the WRF model and the CCPP distributions. See more in ``mp_thompson.F90`` in the ``ccpp-physics/physics`` directory. * To perform unit conversions or array transformations, such as flipping the vertical direction and rearranging the index order, for example, ``cu_gf_driver.F90`` or ``gfdl_cloud_microphys.F90`` in the ``ccpp-physics/physics`` directory. Schemes in the CCPP are classified into two categories: *primary* schemes and *interstitial* schemes. A *primary* scheme is one that updates the state variables and tracers or that produces tendencies for updating state variables and tracers based on the representation of major physical processes, such as radiation, convection, microphysics, etc. This does **not** include: * Schemes that compute tendencies exclusively for diagnostic purposes. * Schemes that adjust tendencies for different timesteps (e.g., create radiation tendencies based on a radiation scheme called at coarser intervals). * Schemes that update the model state based on tendencies generated in primary schemes. *Interstitial* schemes are modularized pieces of code that perform data preparation, diagnostics, or other “glue” functions, and allow primary schemes to work together as a suite. They can be categorized as “scheme-specific” or “suite-level”. Scheme-specific interstitial schemes augment a specific primary scheme (to provide additional functionality). Suite-level interstitial schemes provide additional functionality on top of a class of primary schemes, connect two or more schemes together, or provide code for conversions, initializing sums, or applying tendencies, for example. The rules and guidelines provided in the following sections apply both to primary and interstitial schemes. CCPP-compliant physics parameterizations are broken down into one or more of the following five *phases*: * The *init* phase, which performs actions needed to set up the scheme before the model integration begins. Examples of actions needed in this phase include the reading/computation of lookup tables, setting of constants (as described in :numref:`Section %s `), etc. * The *timestep_init* phase, which performs actions needed at the start of each physics timestep. Examples of actions needed in this phase include updating of time-based settings (e.g. solar angle), reading lookup table values, etc. * The *run* phase, which is the main body of the scheme. Here is where the physics is integrated forward to the next timestep. * The *timestep_finalize* phase, which performs post-integration calculations such as computing statistics or diagnostic tendencies. Not currently used by any scheme. * The *finalize* phase, which performs cleanup and finalizing actions at the end of model integration. Examples of actions needed in this phase include deallocating variables, closing files, etc. The various phases have different rules when it comes to parallelization, especially with regards to how data is blocked among parallel processes; see :numref:`Section %s ` for more information. .. _GeneralRules: General Rules ============= A CCPP-compliant scheme is written in the form of Fortran modules. Each scheme must be in its own module, and must include at least one of the following subroutines (*entry points*): *_init*, *_timestep_init*, *_run*, *_timestep_finalize*, and *_finalize*. Each subroutine corresponds to one of the five *phases* of the CCPP framework as described above. The module name and the subroutine names must be consistent with the scheme name; for example, the scheme "schemename" can have the entry points *schemename_init*, *schemename_run*, etc. The *_run* subroutine contains the code to execute the scheme. If subroutines *_timestep_init* or *_timestep_finalize* are present, they will be executed at the beginning and at the end of the host model physics timestep, respectively. Further, if present, the *_init* and *_finalize* subroutines associated with a scheme are run at the beginning and at the end of the model run. The *_init* and *_finalize* subroutines may be called more than once depending on the host model’s parallelization strategy, and as such must be idempotent (the answer must be the same when the subroutine is called multiple times). This can be achieved by using a module variable ``is_initialized`` that keeps track whether a scheme has been initialized or not. :ref:`Listing 2.1 ` contains a template for a CCPP-compliant scheme, which includes the *_run* subroutine for an example *scheme_template* scheme. Each ``.F`` or ``.F90`` file that contains an entry point(s) for CCPP scheme(s) must be accompanied by a .meta file in the same directory as described in :numref:`Section %s ` .. _scheme_template: .. literalinclude:: ./_static/scheme_template.F90 :language: fortran :lines: 10-48 *Listing 2.1: Fortran template for a CCPP-compliant scheme showing the _run subroutine. The structure for the other phases (*\ _timestep_init, _init, _finalize, *and* _timestep_finalize\ *) is identical.* The three lines in the example template beginning ``!> \section`` are required. They begin with `!` and so will be treated as comments by the Fortran compiler, but are interpreted by Doxygen as part of the process to create scientific documentation. Those lines specifically insert an external file containing metadata information (in this case, ``scheme_template_run.html``) in the documentation. See more on this topic in :numref:`Section %s `. All external information required by the scheme must be passed in via the argument list, including physical constants. Statements such as ``use EXTERNAL_MODULE`` should not be used for passing in any data. See :numref:`Section %s ` for more information on how to use physical constants. Note that standard names, variable names, module names, scheme names and subroutine names are all case insensitive. Interstitial modules (*schemename_pre* and *schemename_post*) can be included if any part of the physics scheme must be executed sequentially before (*_pre*) or after (*_post*) the scheme, but can not be included in the scheme itself (e.g., for including host-specific code). .. _MetadataRules: Metadata Table Rules ==================== Each CCPP-compliant physics scheme (``.F`` or ``.F90`` file) must have a corresponding metadata file (``.meta``) that contains information about CCPP entry point schemes and their dependencies. These files contain two types of metadata tables: ``ccpp-table-properties`` and ``ccpp-arg-table``, both of which are mandatory. The contents of these tables are described in the sections below. Metadata files (``.meta``) are in a relaxed config file format and contain metadata for one or more CCPP entry points. ccpp-table-properties --------------------- The ``[ccpp-table-properties]`` section is required in every metadata file and has four valid entries: #. ``type``: In the CCPP Physics, ``type`` can be ``scheme``, ``module``, or ``ddt`` (derived data type) and must match the ``type`` in the associated ``[ccpp-arg-table]`` section(s). #. ``name``: This depends on the ``type``. For types ``ddt`` and ``module`` (for variable/type/kind definitions), ``name`` must match the name of the **single** associated ``[ccpp-arg-table]`` section. For type ``scheme``, the name must match the root names of the ``[ccpp-arg-table]`` sections for that scheme, without the suffixes ``_timestep_init``, ``_init``, ``_run``, ``_finalize``, or ``_timestep_finalize``. #. ``dependencies``: type/kind/variable definitions and physics schemes often depend on code in other files (e.g. "use machine" --> depends on ``machine.F``). These dependencies must be provided as a comma-separated list. Relative path(s) to those file(s) must be specified here or using the ``relative_path`` entry described below. Dependency attributes are additive; multiple lines containing dependencies can be used. With the exception of specific files, such as ``machine.F``, which provides the `kind_phys` Fortran kind definition, shared dependencies between schemes are discouraged. #. ``relative_path``: If specified, the relative path is added to every file listed in the ``dependencies``. The information in this section table allows the CCPP to compile only the schemes and dependencies needed by the selected CCPP suite(s). An example for type and variable definitions from the file ``ccpp-physics/physics/radlw_param.meta`` is shown in :ref:`Listing 2.2 `. .. note:: A single metadata file may require multiple instances of the ``[ccpp-table-properties]`` section. For example, if a scheme requires multiple derived data types, each should have its own ``[ccpp-table-properties]`` entry. Subsequent ``[ccpp-table-properties]`` sections should be preceded by a separating line of ``#`` characters, as shown in the examples on this page. .. _table-properties-typedefs: .. code-block:: fortran [ccpp-table-properties] name = topflw_type type = ddt dependencies = [ccpp-arg-table] name = topflw_type type = ddt ######################################################################## [ccpp-table-properties] name = sfcflw_type type = ddt dependencies = [ccpp-arg-table] name = sfcflw_type type = ddt ######################################################################## [ccpp-table-properties] name = proflw_type type = ddt dependencies = [ccpp-arg-table] name = proflw_type type = ddt ######################################################################## [ccpp-table-properties] name = module_radlw_parameters type = module dependencies = [ccpp-arg-table] name = module_radlw_parameters type = module [topflw_type] standard_name = topflw_type long_name = definition of type topflw_type units = DDT dimensions = () type = topflw_type [sfcflw_type] standard_name = sfcflw_type long_name = definition of type sfcflw_type units = DDT dimensions = () type = sfcflw_type [proflw_type] standard_name = proflw_type long_name = definition of type proflw_type units = DDT dimensions = () type = proflw_type *Listing 2.2: Example of a CCPP-compliant metadata file showing the use of the [ccpp-table-properties] section and how it relates to [ccpp-arg-table].* An example metadata file for the CCPP scheme ``mp_thompson.meta`` (with many sections omitted as indicated by ``...``) is shown in :ref:`Listing 2.3 `. .. _table-properties-mp-thompson: .. code-block:: fortran [ccpp-table-properties] name = mp_thompson type = scheme dependencies = machine.F,module_mp_radar.F90,module_mp_thompson.F90,module_mp_thompson_make_number_concentrations.F90 ######################################################################## [ccpp-arg-table] name = mp_thompson_init type = scheme [ncol] standard_name = horizontal_dimension long_name = horizontal dimension units = count dimensions = () type = integer intent = in ... ######################################################################## [ccpp-arg-table] name = mp_thompson_run type = scheme [ncol] standard_name = horizontal_loop_extent long_name = horizontal loop extent units = count dimensions = () type = integer intent = in ... ######################################################################## [ccpp-arg-table] name = mp_thompson_finalize type = scheme [errmsg] standard_name = ccpp_error_message long_name = error message for error handling in CCPP units = none dimensions = () type = character kind = len=* intent = out ... *Listing 2.3: Example metadata file for a CCPP-compliant physics scheme using a single* ``[ccpp-table-properties]`` *entry and how it defines dependencies for multiple* ``[ccpp-arg-table]`` *entries. In this example the* timestep_init *and* timestep_finalize *phases are not used*. ccpp-arg-table -------------- For each CCPP compliant scheme, the ``ccpp-arg-table`` for a scheme, module or derived data type starts with this set of lines .. code-block:: fortran [ccpp-arg-table] name = type = * ``ccpp-arg-table`` indicates the start of a new metadata section for a given scheme. * ```` is name of the corresponding subroutine/module. * ```` can be ``scheme``, ``module``, or ``DDT``. * The metadata must describe all input and output arguments to the scheme using the following format: .. code-block:: fortran [varname] standard_name = long_name = units = rank = dimensions = type = kind = intent = * The ``intent`` argument is only valid in ``scheme`` metadata tables, as it is not applicable to the other ``types``. * The following attributes are optional: ``long_name``, ``kind``. * Lines can be combined using ``|`` as a separator, e.g., .. code-block:: console type = real | kind = kind_phys * ``[varname]`` is the local name of the variable in the subroutine. * The dimensions attribute should be empty parentheses for scalars or contain the ``standard_name`` for the start and end for each dimension of an array. ``ccpp_constant_one`` is the assumed start for any dimension which only has a single value. For example: .. code-block:: fortran dimensions = () dimensions = (ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent, vertical_level_dimension) dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension) dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension_of_ozone_forcing_data,number_of_coefficients_in_ozone_forcing_data) * The order of arguments in the entry point subroutines must match the order of entries in the metadata file. :ref:`Listing 2.4 ` contains the template .meta file for an example CCPP-compliant scheme (``scheme_template.meta``) .. _meta_template: .. literalinclude:: ./_static/scheme_template.meta :language: fortran :lines: 10-34 *Listing 2.4: Fortran template for a metadata file accompanying a CCPP-compliant scheme.* .. _HorizontalDimensionOptionsSchemes: ``horizontal_dimension`` vs. ``horizontal_loop_extent`` ------------------------------------------------------- It is important to understand the difference between these metadata dimension names. * ``horizontal_dimension`` refers to all (horizontal) grid columns that an MPI process owns/is responsible for, and that are passed to the physics in the *init*, *timestep_init*, *timestep_finalize*, and *finalize* phases. * ``horizontal_loop_extent`` or, equivalent, ``ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent`` stands for a subset of grid columns that are passed to the physics during the time integration, i.e. in the *run* phase. * Note that ``horizontal_loop_extent`` is identical to ``horizontal_dimension`` for host models that pass all columns to the physics during the time integration. Since physics developers cannot know whether a host model is passing all columns to the physics during the time integration or just a subset of it, the following rules apply to all schemes: * Variables that depend on the horizontal decomposition must use * ``horizontal_dimension`` in the metadata tables for the following phases: *init*, *timestep_init*, *timestep_finalize*, *finalize*. * ``horizontal_loop_extent`` or ``ccpp_constant_one:horizontal_loop_extent`` in the *run* phase. .. _StandardNames: Standard names ============== Variables available for CCPP physics schemes are identified by their unique *standard name*. This policy is in place to ensure that variables will always be unique and unambiguous when communicating between different schemes and different host models. Schemes are free to use their own variable names within their individual codes, but these variables must be assigned to a *standard name* within the scheme's metadata table as described in :numref:`Section %s `. Standard names are listed and defined in a GitHub repository (https://github.com/ESCOMP/CCPPStandardNames), along with rules for adding new standard names as needed. While an effort is made to comply with existing *standard name* definitions of the Climate and Forecast (CF) conventions (http://cfconventions.org), additional names are used in the CCPP to cover the wide range of use cases the CCPP intends to include. Each hash of the CCPP Physics repository contains information in the top-level ``README.md`` file indicating which version of the CCPPStandardNames repository corresponds to that version of CCPP code. An up-to-date list of available standard names for a given host model can be found by running the CCPP *prebuild* script (described in :numref:`Chapter %s `), which will generate a LaTeX source file that can be compiled to produce a PDF file with all variables defined by the host model and requested by the physics schemes. .. _IOVariableRules: Input/Output Variable (argument) Rules ====================================== * A ``standard_name`` cannot be assigned to more than one local variable (``local_name``). The ``local_name`` of a variable can be chosen freely and does not have to match the ``local_name`` in the host model. * All variable information (standard_name, units, dimensions) must match the specifications on the host model side, but sub-slices can be used/added in the host model. For example, when using the UFS Atmosphere as the host model, tendencies are split in ``GFS_typedefs.meta`` so they can be used in the necessary physics scheme: .. code-block:: fortran [dt3dt(:,:,1)] standard_name = cumulative_change_in_temperature_due_to_longwave_radiation long_name = cumulative change in temperature due to longwave radiation units = K dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension) type = real kind = kind_phys [dt3dt(:,:,2)] standard_name = cumulative_change_in_temperature_due_to_shortwave_radiation long_name = cumulative change in temperature due to shortwave radiation units = K dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension) type = real kind = kind_phys [dt3dt(:,:,3)] standard_name = cumulative_change_in_temperature_due_to_PBL long_name = cumulative change in temperature due to PBL units = K dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension) type = real kind = kind_phys For performance reasons, slices of arrays should be contiguous in memory, which, in Fortran, implies that the dimension that is split is the rightmost (outermost) dimension as in the example above. * The two mandatory variables that any scheme-related subroutine must accept as ``intent(out)`` arguments are ``errmsg`` and ``errflg`` (see also coding rules in :numref:`Section %s `). * At present, only two types of variable definitions are supported by the CCPP Framework: * Standard intrinsic Fortran variables are preferred (``character``, ``integer``, ``logical``, ``real``, ``complex``). For character variables, the length should be specified as ``*`` in order to allow the host model to specify the corresponding variable with a length of its own choice. All others can have a ``kind`` attribute of a ``kind`` type defined by the host model. * Derived data types (DDTs). While the use of DDTs is discouraged, some use cases may justify their application (e.g. DDTs for chemistry that contain tracer arrays or information on whether tracers are advected). These DDTs must be defined by the scheme itself, not by the host model. It should be understood that use of DDTs within schemes forces their use in host models and potentially limits a scheme’s portability. Where possible, DDTs should be broken into components that could be usable for another scheme of the same type. * It is preferable to have separate variables for physically-distinct quantities. For example, an array containing various cloud properties should be split into its individual physically-distinct components to facilitate generality. An exception to this rule is if there is a need to perform the same operation on an array of otherwise physically-distinct variables. For example, tracers that undergo vertical diffusion can be combined into one array where necessary. This tactic should be avoided wherever possible, and is not acceptable merely as a convenience. * If a scheme is to make use of CCPP’s subcycling capability, the current loop counter and the loop extent can be obtained from CCPP as ``intent(in)`` variables (see a :ref:`mandatory list of variables ` that are provided by the CCPP Framework and/or the host model for this and other purposes). * It is preferable to use assumed-size array declarations for input/output variables for CCPP schemes, i.e. instead of .. code-block:: fortran real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(is:ie,ks:ke), intent(inout) :: foo one should use .. code-block:: fortran real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: foo This allows the compiler to perform bounds checking and detect errors that otherwise may go unnoticed. .. warning:: Fortran assumes that the lower bound of assumed-size arrays is ``1``. If ``foo`` has lower bounds ``is`` and ``ks`` that are different from ``1``, then these must be specified explicitly: .. code-block:: fortran real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(is:,ks:), intent(inout) :: foo .. _CodingRules: Coding Rules ============ * Code must comply to modern Fortran standards (Fortran 90 or newer), where possible. * Uppercase file endings (`.F`, `.F90`) are preferred to enable preprocessing by default. * Labeled ``end`` statements should be used for modules, subroutines, functions, and type definitions; for example, ``module scheme_template → end module scheme_template``. * Implicit variable declarations are not allowed. The ``implicit none`` statement is mandatory and is preferable at the module-level so that it applies to all the subroutines in the module. * All ``intent(out)`` variables must be set inside the subroutine, including the mandatory variables ``errflg`` and ``errmsg``. * Decomposition-dependent host model data inside the module cannot be permanent, i.e. variables that contain domain-dependent data cannot be kept using the ``save`` attribute. * The use of ``goto`` statements is discouraged. * ``common`` blocks are not allowed. * Schemes are not allowed to abort/stop execution. * Errors are handled by the host model using the two mandatory arguments ``errmsg`` and ``errflg``. In the event of an error, a meaningful error message should be assigned to ``errmsg`` and ``errflg`` set to a value other than 0. For example: .. code-block:: bash errmsg = ‘Logic error in scheme xyz: ...’ errflg = 1 return * Schemes are not allowed to perform I/O operations except for reading lookup tables or other information needed to initialize the scheme, including stdout and stderr. Diagnostic messages are tolerated, but should be minimal. * Line lengths of no more than 120 characters are suggested for better readability. Additional coding rules are listed under the *Coding Standards* section of the NOAA NGGPS Overarching System team document on Code, Data, and Documentation Management for NOAA Environmental Modeling System (NEMS) Modeling Applications and Suites (available at https://docs.google.com/document/u/1/d/1bjnyJpJ7T3XeW3zCnhRLTL5a3m4_3XIAUeThUPWD9Tg/edit). .. _UsingConstants: Using Constants =============== There are two principles that must be followed when using physical constants within CCPP-compliant physics schemes: #. All schemes should use a single, consistent set of constants. #. The host model must control (define and use) that single set, to provide consistency between a host model and the physics. As long as a host application provides metadata describing its physical constants so that the CCPP framework can pass them to the physics schemes, these two principles are realized, and the CCPP physics schemes are model-agnostic. Since CCPP-compliant hosts provide metadata about the available physical constants, they can be passed into schemes like any other data. For simple schemes that consist of one or two files and only a few "helper" subroutines, passing in physical constants via the argument list and propagating those constants down to any subroutines that need them is the most direct approach. The following example shows how the constant ``karman`` can be passed into a physics scheme: .. code-block:: console subroutine my_physics_run(im,km,ux,vx,tx,karman) ... real(kind=kind_phys),intent(in) :: karman Where the following has been added to the ``my_physics.meta`` file: .. code-block:: console [karman] standard_name = von_karman_constant long_name = von karman constant units = none dimensions = () type = real intent = in This allows the von Karman constant to be defined by the host model and be passed in through the CCPP scheme subroutine interface. For pre-existing complex schemes that contain many software layers and/or many "helper" subroutines that require physical constants, another method is accepted to ensure that the two principles are met while eliminating the need to modify many subroutine interfaces. This method passes the physical constants once through the argument list for the top-level ``_init`` subroutine for the scheme. This top-level ``_init`` subroutine also imports scheme-specific constants from a user-defined module. For example, constants can be set in a module as: .. code-block:: console module my_scheme_common use machine, only : kind_phys implicit none real(kind=kind_phys) :: pi, omega1, omega2 end module my_scheme_common Within the ``_init`` subroutine body, the constants in the ``my_scheme_common`` module can be set to the ones that are passed in via the argument list, including any derived ones. For example: .. code-block:: console module my_scheme use machine, only: kind_phys implicit none private public my_scheme_init, my_scheme_run, my_scheme_finalize logical :: is_initialized = .false. contains subroutine my_scheme_init (a, b, con_pi, con_omega) use my_scheme_common, only: pi, omega1, omega2 ... pi = con_pi omega1 = con_omega omega2 = 2.*omega1 ... is_initialized = .true. end subroutine my_scheme_init subroutine my_scheme_run (a, b) use my_scheme_common, only: pi, omega1, omega2 ... end subroutine my_scheme_run subroutine my_scheme_finalize ... is_initialized = .false. pi = -999. omega1 = -999. omega2 = -999. ... end subroutine my_scheme_finalize end module my_scheme After this point, physical constants can be imported from ``my_scheme_common`` wherever they are needed. Although there may be some duplication in memory, constants within the scheme will be guaranteed to be consistent with the rest of physics and will only be set/derived once during the initialization phase. Of course, this will require that any constants in ``my_scheme_common`` that are coming from the host model cannot use the Fortran ``parameter`` keyword. To guard against inadvertently using constants in ``my_scheme_common`` without setting them from the host, they should be initially set to some invalid value. The above example also demonstrates the use of ``is_initialized`` to guarantee idempotence of the ``_init`` routine. To clean up during the finalize phase of the scheme, the ``is_initialized`` flag can be set back to false and the constants can be set back to an invalid value. In summary, there are two ways to pass constants to a physics scheme. The first is to directly pass constants via the subroutine interface and continue passing them down to all subroutines as needed. The second is to have a user-specified scheme constants module within the scheme and to sync it once with the physical constants from the host model at initialization time. The approach to use is somewhat up to the developer. .. note:: Use of the *physcons* module (``ccpp-physics/physics/physcons.F90``) is **not recommended**, since it is specific to FV3 and will be removed in the future. .. _ParallelProgramming: Parallel Programming Rules ========================== Most often, shared memory (OpenMP: Open Multi-Processing) and distributed memory (MPI: Message Passing Interface) communication is done outside the physics, in which case the loops and arrays already take into account the sizes of the threaded tasks through their input indices and array dimensions. The following rules should be observed when including OpenMP or MPI communication in a physics scheme: * CCPP standards require that in every phase but the *run* phase, blocked data structures must be combined so that their entire contents are available to a given MPI task (i.e. the data structures can not be further subdivided, or "chunked", within those phases). The *run* phase may be called by multiple threads in parallel, so data structures may be divided into blocks for that phase. * Shared-memory (OpenMP) parallelization inside a scheme is allowed with the restriction that the number of OpenMP threads to use is obtained from the host model as an ``intent(in)`` argument in the argument list (:ref:`Listing 6.2 `). * MPI communication is allowed in the *init*, *timestep_init*, *timestep_finalize*, and *finalize*, phases for the purpose of computing, reading or writing scheme-specific data that is independent of the host model’s data decomposition. * If MPI is used, it is restricted to global communications: barrier, broadcast, gather, scatter, reduction. Point-to-point communication is not allowed. The MPI communicator must be passed to the physics scheme by the host model, the use of ``MPI_COMM_WORLD`` is not allowed (:ref:`see list of mandatory variables `). * An example of a valid use of MPI is the initial read of a lookup table of aerosol properties by one or more MPI processes, and its subsequent broadcast to all processes. * The implementation of reading and writing of data must be scalable to perform efficiently from a few to thousands of tasks. * Calls to MPI and OpenMP functions, and the import of the MPI and OpenMP libraries, must be guarded by C preprocessor directives as illustrated in the following listing. OpenMP pragmas can be inserted without C preprocessor guards, since they are ignored by the compiler if the OpenMP compiler flag is omitted. .. code-block:: fortran #ifdef MPI use mpi #endif #ifdef OPENMP use omp_lib #endif ... #ifdef MPI call MPI_BARRIER(mpicomm, ierr) #endif #ifdef OPENMP me = OMP_GET_THREAD_NUM() #else me = 0 #endif * For Fortran coarrays, consult with the CCPP Forum (https://dtcenter.org/forum/ccpp-user-support). .. include:: ScientificDocRules.inc .. Bibliography should go at the end of the last chapter .. bibliography:: references.bib