8. Technical Aspects of the CCPP Prebuild

8.1. Prebuild Script Function

The CCPP prebuild script ccpp-framework/scripts/ccpp_prebuild.py is the central piece of code that connects the host model with the CCPP Physics schemes (see 3.1). This script must be run before compiling the CCPP Physics library and the host model cap. This may be done manually or as part of a host model build-time script. Both the UFS and SCM have incorporated the calls to ccpp_prebuild.py in their build systems.

The CCPP prebuild script automates several tasks based on the information collected from the metadata on the host model side and from the individual physics schemes (.meta files; see Figure 8.1):

  • Compiles a list of variables provided by the host model.

  • Compiles a list of variables required to run all schemes in the CCPP Physics pool.

  • Matches these variables by their standard_name, checks for missing variables and mismatches of their attributes (e.g., units, rank, type, kind). Performs automatic unit conversions if a mismatch of units is detected between a scheme and the host model (see Section 5.2 for details).

  • Filters out unused variables for a given suite.

  • Autogenerates software caps as appropriate:

    • The script generates caps for the suite as a whole and physics groups as defined in the input SDFs; in addition, the CCPP API for the build is generated.

  • Populates makefiles with kind/type definitions, schemes, caps. Statements to compile the CCPP API are included as well.

map to buried treasure

Fig. 8.1 Schematic of tasks automated by the ccpp_prebuild.py script and associated inputs and outputs. The majority of the input is controlled through the host-model dependent ccpp_prebuild_config.py , whose user-editable variables are included as all-caps within the ccpp_prebuild_config.py bubble. Outputs are color-coded according to their utility: purple outputs are informational only (useful for developers, but not necessary to run the code), yellow outputs are used within the host model, blue outputs are connected to the physics, and green outputs are used in the model build.

8.2. Script Configuration

To connect the CCPP with a host model XYZ, a Python-based configuration file for this model must be created in the host model’s repository. The easiest way is to copy an existing configuration file for the SCM in sub-directory ccpp/config of the ccpp-scm repository. The configuration in ccpp_prebuild_config.py depends largely on (a) the directory structure of the host model itself, (b) where the ccpp-framework and the ccpp-physics directories are located relative to the directory structure of the host model, and (c) from which directory the ccpp_prebuild.py script is executed before/during the build process (this is referred to as basedir in ccpp_prebuild_config_XYZ.py).

Listing 8.1 contains an example for the CCPP-SCM prebuild config. Here, both ccpp-framework and ccpp-physics are located in directories ccpp/framework and ccpp/physics of the top-level directory of the host model, and ccpp_prebuild.py is executed from the same top-level directory.

# Host model identifier

# Add all files with metadata tables on the host model side,
# relative to basedir = top-level directory of host model

 # How parent variables (module variables, derived data types)
 # are referenced in the model
     'ccpp_types' : {
         'ccpp_types' : '',
         'ccpp_t' : 'cdata',
     'GFS_typedefs' : {
         'GFS_typedefs' : '',
         'GFS_control_type' : 'physics%Model',

# Add all physics scheme files relative to basedir
    ’ccpp/physics/physics/GFS_DCNV_generic.f90’ ,

 # Default build dir, relative to current working directory,
 # if not specified as command-line argument
 DEFAULT_BUILD_DIR = 'scm/bin'

 # Auto-generated makefile/cmakefile snippets that contain all type definitions
 TYPEDEFS_MAKEFILE   = '{build_dir}/ccpp/physics/CCPP_TYPEDEFS.mk'
 TYPEDEFS_CMAKEFILE  = '{build_dir}/ccpp/physics/CCPP_TYPEDEFS.cmake'
 TYPEDEFS_SOURCEFILE = '{build_dir}/ccpp/physics/CCPP_TYPEDEFS.sh'

 # Auto-generated makefile/cmakefile snippets that contain all schemes
 SCHEMES_MAKEFILE = '{build_dir}/ccpp/physics/CCPP_SCHEMES.mk'
 SCHEMES_CMAKEFILE = '{build_dir}/ccpp/physics/CCPP_SCHEMES.cmake'
 SCHEMES_SOURCEFILE = '{build_dir}/ccpp/physics/CCPP_SCHEMES.sh'

 # Auto-generated makefile/cmakefile snippets that contain all caps
 CAPS_MAKEFILE = '{build_dir}/ccpp/physics/CCPP_CAPS.mk'
 CAPS_CMAKEFILE = '{build_dir}/ccpp/physics/CCPP_CAPS.cmake'
 CAPS_SOURCEFILE = '{build_dir}/ccpp/physics/CCPP_CAPS.sh'

 # Directory where to put all auto-generated physics caps
 CAPS_DIR = '{build_dir}/ccpp/physics/physics'

 # Directory where the suite definition files are stored
 SUITES_DIR = 'ccpp/suites'

 # Directory where to write static API to
 STATIC_API_DIR = 'scm/src/'

 # Directory for writing HTML pages generated from metadata files
 METADATA_HTML_OUTPUT_DIR = 'ccpp/physics/physics/docs'

 # HTML document containing the model-defined CCPP variables

 # LaTeX document containing the provided vs requested CCPP variables
 LATEX_VARTABLE_FILE = 'ccpp/framework/doc/DevelopersGuide/CCPP_VARIABLES_SCM.tex'

Listing 8.1: CCPP prebuild config for SCM (shortened)

Although most of the variables in the ccpp_prebuild_config.py script are described by in-line comments in the code listing above and their use is described in Figure 8.1, some clarifying comments are in order. The SCHEME_FILES variable is a list of CCPP-compliant physics scheme entry/exit point source files only, their dependencies are not listed here (see Section 2.2 for how dependencies are included). TYPEDEFS_NEW_METADATA is a dictionary that, for each Fortran module name contained in the files in VARIABLE_DEFINITION_FILES (the key of the dictionary), contains a nested dictionary (the value) that describes how the module itself and the derived data types are referenced in the host model. For the module itself, an empty string is typically the correct choice. For each of the derived data types contained in the module, a Fortran variable expression is required, as shown in the listing above. This entry is needed to correctly identify and pass parent variables (derived data types) of variables that are needed by the physics to the auto-generated caps.

8.3. Running ccpp_prebuild.py

Once the configuration in ccpp_prebuild_config.py is complete, the ccpp_prebuild.py script can be run from a specific directory, dependent on the host model. For the SCM, this is the top level directory, i.e. the correct call to the script is ./ccpp/framework/scripts/ccpp_prebuild.py. For the UFS Atmosphere host model, the script needs to be called from subdirectory FV3/ccpp, relative to the top-level ufs-weather-model directory. In the following, we use the SCM directory structure. Note that for both SCM and UFS, the ccpp_prebuild.py script is called automatically by the build system.

For developers adding a CCPP-compliant physics scheme, running ccpp_prebuild.py periodically is recommended to check that the metadata provided with the physics schemes matches what the host model provided. As alluded to above, the ccpp_prebuild.py script has six command line options, with the path to a host-model specific configuration file (--config) being the only required option:

-h, --help show this help message and exit
--config PATH_TO_CONFIG/config_file path to CCPP prebuild configuration file
--clean remove files created by this script, then exit
--verbose enable verbose output
--debug enable additional checks on array sizes
--suites SUITES SDF(s) to use (comma-separated, without path)

An example invocation of running the script (called from the SCM’s top level directory) would be:

./ccpp/framework/scripts/ccpp_prebuild.py \
  --config=./ccpp/config/ccpp_prebuild_config.py \
  --suites=FV3_GFS_v16 \

which uses a configuration script located at the specified path. The --verbose option can be used for more verbose output from the script.

The SDF(s) to compile into the executable can be specified using the --suites command-line argument. Such files are included with the SCM and ufs-weather-model repositories, and must be included with the code of any host model to use the CCPP. An example of a build using two SDFs is:

./ccpp/framework/scripts/ccpp_prebuild.py \
  --config=./ccpp/config/ccpp_prebuild_config.py \


If the --suites option is omitted, all suites will be compiled into the executable.

The --debug command-line argument enables additional checks on array sizes inside the auto-generated software caps, prior to entering any of the schemes.

If the CCPP prebuild step is successful, the last output line will be:

INFO: CCPP prebuild step completed successfully.

To remove all files created by ccpp_prebuild.py, for example as part of a host model’s make clean functionality, execute the same command as before, but with --clean appended:

./ccpp/framework/scripts/ccpp_prebuild.py --config=./ccpp/config/ccpp_prebuild_config.py \
--suites=FV3_GFS_v16,RRFS_v1beta --clean

8.4. Troubleshooting

If invoking the ccpp_prebuild.py script fails, some message other than the success message will be written to the terminal output. Specifically, the terminal output will include informational logging messages generated from the script and any error messages written to the Python logging utility. Some common errors (minus the typical logging output and traceback output) and solutions are described below, with non-bold font used to denote aspects of the message that will differ depending on the problem encountered. This is not an exhaustive list of possible errors, however. For example, in this version of the code, there is no cross-checking that the metadata information provided corresponds to the actual Fortran code, so even though ccpp_prebuild.py may complete successfully, there may be related compilation errors later in the build process. For further help with an undescribed error, please contact the CCPP Forum https://dtcenter.org/forum/ccpp-user-support or the UFS Weather Model Forum https://forums.ufscommunity.org/.

  1. ERROR: Configuration file erroneous/path/to/config/file not found
    • Check that the path entered for the --config command line option points to a readable configuration file.

  2. KeyError: ‘erroneous_scheme_name’ when using the --suites option
    • This error indicates that a scheme within the supplied SDFs does not match any scheme names found in the SCHEME_FILES variable of the supplied configuration file that lists scheme source files. Double check that the scheme’s source file is included in the SCHEME_FILES list and that the scheme name that causes the error is spelled correctly in the supplied SDFs and matches what is in the source file (minus any *_timestep_init, *_init, *_run, *_finalize, *_timestep_finalize suffixes).

  3. CRITICAL: Suite definition file erroneous/path/to/SDF.xml not found.

    Exception: Parsing suite definition file erroneous/path/to/SDF.xml failed.
    • Check that the path SUITES_DIR in the CCPP prebuild config and the names entered for the --suites command line option are correct.

  4. INFO: Parsing metadata tables for variables provided by host model

    IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘erroneous_file.f90’
    • Check that the paths specified in the VARIABLE_DEFINITION_FILES of the supplied configuration file are valid and contain CCPP-compliant host model snippets for insertion of metadata information. (see example)

  5. Exception: Error parsing variable entry “erroneous variable metadata table entry data” in argument table variable_metadata_table_name
    • Check that the formatting of the metadata entry described in the error message is OK.

  6. Exception: New entry for variable var_name in argument table variable_metadata_table_name is incompatible with existing entry:
    Existing: Contents of <mkcap.Var object at 0x10299a290> (* = mandatory for compatibility):
    standard_name = var_name *
    long_name =
    units = various *
    local_name =
    type = real *
    rank = (:,:,:) *
    kind = kind_phys *
    intent = none
    active = T
    target = None
    container = MODULE_X TYPE_Y
    vs. new: Contents of <mkcap.Var object at 0x10299a310> (* = mandatory for compatibility):
    standard_name = var_name *
    long_name =
    units = frac *
    local_name =
    type = real *
    rank = (:,:) *
    kind = kind_phys *
    intent = none
    active = T
    target = None
    container = MODULE_X TYPE_Y
    • This error is associated with a variable that is defined more than once (with the same standard name) on the host model side. Information on the offending variables is provided so that one can provide different standard names to the different variables.

  7. Exception: Scheme name differs from module name: module_name= “X” vs. scheme_name= “Y”
    • Make sure that each scheme in the errored module begins with the module name and ends in either *_timestep_init, *_init, *_run, *_finalize, or *_timestep_finalize.

  8. Exception: New entry for variable var_name in argument table of subroutine scheme_subroutine_name is incompatible with existing entry:
    existing: Contents of <mkcap.Var object at 0x10299a290> (* = mandatory for compatibility):
    standard_name = var_name *
    long_name =
    units = various *
    local_name =
    type = real *
    rank = (:,:,:) *
    kind = kind_phys *
    intent = none
    active = T
    target = None
    container = MODULE_X TYPE_Y
    vs. new: Contents of <mkcap.Var object at 0x10299a310> (* = mandatory for compatibility):
    standard_name = var_name *
    long_name =
    units = frac *
    local_name =
    type = real *
    rank = (:,:) *
    kind = kind_phys *
    intent = none
    active = T
    target = None
    container = MODULE_X TYPE_Y
    • This error is associated with physics scheme variable metadata entries that have the same standard name with different mandatory properties (either units, type, rank, or kind currently – those attributes denoted with a *). This error is distinguished from the error described in 8 above, because the error message mentions “in argument table of subroutine” instead of just “in argument table”.

  9. ERROR: Variable X requested by MODULE_Y SCHEME_Z SUBROUTINE_A not provided by the model

    Exception: Call to compare_metadata failed.

    • A variable requested by one or more physics schemes is not being provided by the host model. If the variable exists in the host model but is not being made available for the CCPP, an entry must be added to one of the host model variable metadata sections.

  10. ERROR:   error, variable X requested by MODULE_Y SCHEME_Z SUBROUTINE_A cannot be identified unambiguously. Multiple definitions in MODULE_Y TYPE_B
    • A variable is defined in the host model variable metadata more than once (with the same standard name). Remove the offending entry or provide a different standard name for one of the duplicates.

  11. ERROR:   incompatible entries in metadata for variable var_name:
    provided:  Contents of <mkcap.Var object at 0x104883210> (* = mandatory for compatibility):
    standard_name = var_name *
    long_name =
    units = K *
    local_name =
    type = real *
    rank = *
    kind = kind_phys *
    intent = none
    active = T
    target = None
    container =
    requested: Contents of <mkcap.Var object at 0x10488ca90> (* = mandatory for compatibility):
    standard_name = var_name *
    long_name =
    units = none *
    local_name =
    type = real *
    rank = *
    kind = kind_phys *
    intent = in
    active = T
    target = None
    container =
  12. Exception: Call to compare_metadata failed.
    • This error indicates a mismatch between the attributes of a variable provided by the host model and what is requested by the physics. Specifically, the units, type, rank, or kind don’t match for a given variable standard name. Double-check that the attributes for the provided and requested mismatched variable are accurate. If after checking the attributes are indeed mismatched, reconcile as appropriate (by adopting the correct variable attributes either on the host or physics side).

Note: One error that the ccpp_prebuild.py script will not catch is if a physics scheme lists a variable in its actual (Fortran) argument list without a corresponding entry in the subroutine’s variable metadata. This will lead to a compilation error when the autogenerated scheme cap is compiled:

Error: Missing actual argument for argument 'X' at (1)

8.5. CCPP Stub Build

New in version 6.0, CCPP includes a stub capability, which will build the appropriate basic software caps needed for the compilation of the host model, but not include any of the physics itself. This can be useful for host model debugging, testing “dry” dynamics with no parameterizations, and other use cases where building the whole CCPP physics library would be unnecessary. Currently this capability is only supported for the UFS Atmosphere.

To create the stub software caps, rather than using the host configuration file as described above, users can use the provided stub config file ccpp/framework/stub/ccpp_prebuild_config.py. From the ccpp/framework/stub directory, the prebuild script can be called in this manner to use the CCPP stub build:

../scripts/ccpp_prebuild.py --config=ccpp_prebuild_config.py
cmake . 2>&1 | tee log.cmake
make 2>&1 | tee log.make

The rest of the UFS Atmosphere build can proceed as normal.

8.6. CCPP Physics Variable Tracker

New in version 6.0, CCPP includes a tool that allows users to track a given variable’s journey through a specified physics suite. This tool, ccpp-framework/scripts/ccpp_track_variables.py, given a suite definition file and the standard name of a variable, will output the list of subroutines that use this variable – in the order that they are called – as well as the variable’s Fortran intent (in, out, or inout) within that subroutine. This can allow the user to more easily determine where specific errors, biases, or other influences on a specific variable or variables might originate from within the physics suite. The --help option will give a basic rundown of how to use the script:

./ccpp_track_variables.py --help
usage: ccpp_track_variables.py [-h] -s SDF -m METADATA_PATH -c CONFIG -v VARIABLE [--debug]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SDF, --sdf SDF     suite definition file to parse
  -m METADATA_PATH, --metadata_path METADATA_PATH
                        path to CCPP scheme metadata files
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        path to CCPP prebuild configuration file
  -v VARIABLE, --variable VARIABLE
                        variable to track through CCPP suite
  --debug               enable debugging output

For this initial implementation, this script must be executed from within a host model, and must be called from the same directory that the ccpp_prebuild.py script is called from. This first example is called using the UFS Atmosphere as a host model, from the directory ufs-weather-model/FV3/ccpp:

framework/scripts/ccpp_track_variables.py -c=config/ccpp_prebuild_config.py \
  -s=suites/suite_FV3_RRFS_v1beta.xml -v air_temperature_of_new_state -m ./physics/physics/
For suite suites/suite_FV3_RRFS_v1beta.xml, the following schemes (in order for each group) use the variable air_temperature_of_new_state:
In group physics
  GFS_suite_stateout_reset_run (intent out)
  dcyc2t3_run (intent in)
  GFS_suite_stateout_update_run (intent out)
  ozphys_2015_run (intent in)
  get_phi_fv3_run (intent in)
  GFS_suite_interstitial_3_run (intent in)
  GFS_MP_generic_pre_run (intent in)
  mp_thompson_pre_run (intent in)
  mp_thompson_run (intent inout)
  mp_thompson_post_run (intent inout)
  GFS_MP_generic_post_run (intent in)
  maximum_hourly_diagnostics_run (intent in)
In group stochastics
  GFS_stochastics_run (intent inout)

In the example above, we can see that the variable air_temperature_of_new_state is used in the FV3_RRFS_v1beta suite by several microphysics subroutines, as well a another stochastics parameterization.

To learn more about a given subroutine, you can search the physics source code within the ccpp-physics repository, or you can consult the CCPP Scientific Documentation: typing the subroutine name into the search bar should lead you to further information about the subroutine and how it ties into its associated physics scheme. In addition, because of the naming conventions for subroutines in CCPP-compliant physics schemes, we can typically see which scheme, as well as which phase within that scheme, is associated with the listed subroutine, without having to consult any further documentation or source code. For example, the mp_thompson_run subroutine is part of the Thompson microphysics scheme, specifically the run phase of that scheme.

This second example is called using the SCM as a host model:

ccpp/framework/scripts/ccpp_track_variables.py --config=ccpp/config/ccpp_prebuild_config.py \
   -s=ccpp/suites/suite_SCM_GFS_v17_p8.xml -v surface_friction_velocity_over_land -m ./ccpp/physics/physics/
For suite ccpp/suites/suite_SCM_GFS_v17_p8.xml, the following schemes (in order for each group) use the variable surface_friction_velocity_over_land:
In group physics
  GFS_surface_composites_pre_run (intent inout)
  sfc_diff_run (intent inout)
  noahmpdrv_run (intent inout)
  sfc_diff_run (intent inout)
  noahmpdrv_run (intent inout)
  GFS_surface_composites_post_run (intent in)

In the example above, we can see that the variable wind_speed_at_lowest_model_layer is used in a few subroutines, two of which (sfc_diff_run and noahmpdrv_run are listed twice). This is not an error! The two repeated subroutines are part of a scheme called in a subcycle (see Section 4.1.2), and so they are called twice in this cycle as designated in the SDF. The ccpp_track_variables.py script lists the subroutines in the exact order they are called (within each group), including subcycles.

Some standard names can be exceedingly long and hard to remember, and it is not always convenient to search the full list of standard names for the exact variable you want. Therefore, this script will also return matches for partial variable names. In this example, we will look for the variable “velocity”, which is not a standard name of any variable, and see what it returns:

framework/scripts/ccpp_track_variables.py --config=config/ccpp_prebuild_config.py \
   -s=suites/suite_FV3_GFS_v16.xml -v velocity -m ./physics/physics/
Variable velocity not found in any suites for sdf suites/suite_FV3_GFS_v16.xml

ERROR:ccpp_track_variables:Variable velocity not found in any suites for sdf suites/suite_FV3_GFS_v16.xml

Did find partial matches that may be of interest:

In GFS_surface_composites_pre_run found variable(s) ['surface_friction_velocity', 'surface_friction_velocity_over_water', 'surface_friction_velocity_over_land', 'surface_friction_velocity_over_ice']
In sfc_diff_run found variable(s) ['surface_friction_velocity_over_water', 'surface_friction_velocity_over_land', 'surface_friction_velocity_over_ice']
In GFS_surface_composites_post_run found variable(s) ['surface_friction_velocity', 'surface_friction_velocity_over_water', 'surface_friction_velocity_over_land', 'surface_friction_velocity_over_ice']
In cires_ugwp_run found variable(s) ['angular_velocity_of_earth']
In samfdeepcnv_run found variable(s) ['vertical_velocity_for_updraft', 'cellular_automata_vertical_velocity_perturbation_threshold_for_deep_convection']

While the script did not find the variable specified, it did find several partial matches – surface_friction_velocity, surface_friction_velocity_over_water, surface_friction_velocity_over_land, etc. – as well as the subroutines they were found in. You can then use this more specific information to refine your next query:

framework/scripts/ccpp_track_variables.py --config=config/ccpp_prebuild_config.py \
   -s=suites/suite_FV3_GFS_v16.xml -v surface_friction_velocity -m ./physics/physics/
For suite suites/suite_FV3_GFS_v16.xml, the following schemes (in order for each group) use the variable surface_friction_velocity:
In group physics
  GFS_surface_composites_pre_run (intent in)
  GFS_surface_composites_post_run (intent inout)